In #selftalk

let's just enjoy this.

Sudah seminggu aku menjadi orang tanpa status yang jelas. Jujur, aku kesal menanti hasil check plagiarism proposal yang tidak kunjung keluar, aku kesal sudah tidak aktif dalam beberapa kegiatan kampus yang dulu selalu menemani, aku kesal tidak bisa bertemu orang-orang dan berbicara hal-hal tidak jelas. aku kesal merasa sendiri, bahkan orang yang ada didekat pun semua, sedang sibuk dengan perjalanan hidup mereka masing-masing.

kegiatanku selalu saja seputar bangun, mengurus si Milo dan Ciko, terkadang membantu ayah menjaga Arkan, dan -pastinya- membersihkan rumah. ehe. Beberapa kali menengok ke media sosial, aku semakin merasa tertekan melihat manusia-manusia yang sedang berlari mengejar apapun yang mereka cari. 

sering, aku ingat, kapan ya terakhir kali aku merasa se-santai-ini, sepertinya memang sudah sangat lama. Tapi, ke'ngangguran' ini ternyata berbuah manis juga. aku bisa mendekor ulang kamarku, aku bisa menjadi anak yang selalu hadir saat dipanggil ibu, ayahku, aku juga menjadi sering berkunjung ke youtube, buat sekedar melihat apa yang menarik disana. mulai dari video receh klarifikasi putus dari sepasang kekasih 'yang katanya couple goals' sampai video-video DIY buat hal-hal yang selama ini aku kira cuma bisa dibeli. ehe. 

ya, let's just relax and enjoy this, Si. 
perasaan kamu dulu sangat ingin menjalani hidup setenang sekarang, sempat kan dulu? saat lagi kacau-kacaunya. mungkin Allah memberikanmu waktu untuk istirahat sejenak demi menyusun kepingan dirimu untuk masa depan. 

kalau di kegiatan, selalu ada jeda ishoma kan? eheh. Ya mungkin ini ishoma mu:)
Dan kembali melihat apa-apa saja yang aku sukai. 
Mungkin bisa kembali diasah:)
Ya, thats for today. 
Just Relax, everythings gonna be okay. 
okay? :)

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In FailurePorto

Listening to the soul of South Korea and Write it Down.

Hai, teman-teman, beberapa waktu lalu, saya belajar menulis esai untuk mengikuti seleksi pertukaran mahasiswa muslim ke Korea Selatan. IFSEE 2019, dan alhamdulilah lolos di babak esai tapi belum lolos di tahap akhir, cuma sekedar berbagi, barangkali teman-teman memiliki mimpi yang sama dengan saya. semangat terus belajar dan mencobanya. suatu saat nanti mimpi pasti akan terjawab~
jangan berhenti dan terus lakukan yang terbaik ya.
The very first thing I get to know South Korea was because its drama, back then I was 8 years old, and after time goes by, I’m more addicted to Hallyu Wave, they were my teenager’s happiness. My interest in South Korea got deeper and finally branched out into other entertainment such as reality shows, talk shows and films. Because of that, I learned a lot about the culture and character of the people of South Korea.

Besides that, my another hobby is writing, and I feel so much enthusiasm to write down my idea on the paper. But, other hand, I do love public speaking, and yes, lately, I feel more comfortable when it comes to being a listener or observers.

Pram, one of my favorite writers, once said that write was a longlife job. Because of that, I want to introduce my religion, islam, with two different ways. Write and listen.

There are two project I want to do to make islam more acceptable and sosialice in South Korea. The first project is I want to write a book who tells about the origin of Islam in South Korea, how the true Muslim figure is, The story of Korean Muslim influencers on how to become Muslims in their own country.

The second project call “Im Here. an catarsis (in psychology theory or how to tell about your feelings) aplication that grab an moslem’s community called Korean Muslim Federan to colaborate with. I want to make this aplication with the intention of to listen the korean people who suffer with mental illness such as depressed or etc, and tell them, that they’r not alone. It’s no need to be desperate by themselves. And because of the negative stigma, these people often afraid or just embarassed to get the right treatment for their mental health. So with this application, I hope can be their space to tell someone about their condition without feel intimidate or feeling alone by chatting with the admin of application.

The phenomenon of death from suicide because of depressed in South Korea til now have the 4th places what causes people death, and always increase every year. And because of that reason, I want to make this applications that can help them to release their stress by tell to somoene else. Besides having a chat feature, this application also has an upadate status feature which can be read by other account users, the advantage of this application is that everyone can use a pseudonym, and only the server and user have account data, even the admin will answer while in session Chat will also not get user data if it is not permitted, so we can be sure this application is guaranteed confidentiality. Besides having a chat feature, this application also has an upadate status feature which can be read by other account users, the advantage of this application is that everyone can use a pseudonym, and only the server and user have account data, even the admin will answer while in session Chat will also not get user data if it is not permitted, so we can be sure this application is guaranteed confidentiality With these two projects, I hope the image of islam in South Korea’s people will getting better,

that we are the religious that spread love and care each other and of course can bring the good impact to reduce the death rate from suicide, which is always increase every year in this country. 

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In #poem


inside out.
is being unhappy one of part to being happy.
then, i feel really sad.
like, yes!
can I just feel hurt, feel sad, fel bad, and feel sick of this life?
can I just be one of those people
who cried out loud
who mad
who upset
who feel those kind of feeling
and I m really sad, right now.

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